Child Care, help

    • Child Care, help

      Good evening

      My family and I are heading back to Arinsal 21st dec until 27th Dec 13.
      We have an apartment and would like to go out one night on our own. We have young chrildren and would need child care. Is there any provision for this in Arinsal or can you direct us.
      It is my birthday and we would like to out for one evening.


    • Hi James

      There isn't any child minding or baby sitting companys in the village that I know of I'm sorry. There are lots of workers around that love an extra bit of work and maybe some of them would be happy to do it but it would be a case of getting to know the locals and asking them. There is no one I know of in the village that has ever done this to my knowledge.
      On the positive side all the bars here are family friendly and your family would be welcomed to drink and celebrate your birthday in any of them in the village.
      :) Hayley