Private Lessons for 5 year old

    • Private Lessons for 5 year old


      We are returning to Arinsal next February (9th - 15th) with our two children. Our youngest is 5, which is unfortunately too young for ski school. We intend on having a few private lessons for him and wondered if there was anyone else who's going at the same time who might be interested in joining him, making a friend and splitting the cost ? Each lesson was 40 euros this year per hour, so I guess it will be there or there abouts next year.


    • Hi Phil

      Hopefully somebody will come along to share with you, however I've just loaded on the private lesson prices this morning - the one-hour price is staying the same as last year, which is good news, but even better is that now this year there are now reductions for longer lessons eg. two hours is now from €72 instead of €80 last year! :thumbsup:

      You can see all the new prices and the enquiry form here >>
