Private Lessons

    • Private Lessons

      Hi i was going to book me and my girlfriend 3 sets of 2 hour private lessons but i dont know if thats to much we have only been once before and did group lessons with my girlfriend did not like. I will be booking seperate lessons as she skis and i snowboard.

      Please let me know if you think its to much ?
    • Hi

      You can never have too many lessons! I learned to ski around 15 years ago and have worked several full winter seasons so have skiied a lot, then last winter I decided to have some lessons again and did an intensive week of 10 hours one-to-one which was absolutely fantastic! I learned so much and improved my technique no end, so regardless of ability having a few hours of private lessons is always a great idea.

      With private lessons you'll both improve a lot over three days which means you'll be much more confident in going on any runs which means you'll then be able to enjoy your time on the mountain even more. Arcalis is a superb place to visit which is also included on your lift pass - it's suitable for all abilities as there are some easy runs, but for intermediates upwards it's outstanding, so taking the lessons at the beginning of your holiday and then heading over there for 2-3 days would be my suggestion.

      Just ask if you need any more info.
