off piste skiing

    • off piste skiing


      I was wondering if you offer lessons/guided skiing for off-piste areas near Arinsal. It is mentioned that it is possible in the Arcalis snow area but I have also come across recommendations to ski off the Pic Negre and that there are mogul fields at Pic alt de la Capa.

      I am by no means an expert in this type of skiing but have had little tasters and would be keen to explore as much of the area as possible. We are coming over at the beginning of January.


    • Hi Simon

      When you book private tuition you can pretty much tell the instructor what you wanted to get out of the lesson. I'm quite sure however instructors would not take guests skiing the kind of off piste you mention unless they were at a very high expert skiing level. Not only yours but the schools insurance policy I'm not quite cuts it. :pinch:

      You can never predict if you will have great powder for the days you are here but if you did you could have private lessons and the instructor I'm sure would be able to play around teaching you in the powder snow in Arinsal around the sides of the piste. When there is lots of snow the front side of the Capa it's great and you can practise on this yourself coming back down into the Arinsal area. You can see on the piste map the Capa has a freeride area in my experience it is only good fun when there is plenty of powder on it. The Pic Negre is a serious off pisters area with hiking involved and when there is lots of snow on it, as it's so steep at the top it's one of the first places to get blasted to minimise risk of avalanches on it.

      Hayley :thumbsup: