worker looking for workers accomidation in arinsal

    • worker looking for workers accomidation in arinsal

      hello this is my first season working in arinsal and im currently trying to find accomidation of any sort... if anyone could help it would be much appreciated

    • There's a few estate agents in Arinsal but also have a look down in La Massana when you get here. Your employer will also help either by having staff accommodation or pointing you in the right direction, plus your new colleagues will probably be looking for people to share with too.

      It's much easier to find things when you arrive, plus you can see what you're signing up for too.

      Estate agents will normally ask for four months rent to move in - your first month's rent, two months as a deposit, and one month as an agency fee.

      Hope this helps!
    • 4 months up front is an absolute joke, its actually close to robbery might i add but thanks for your input steve, i think im just going to play it by ear to be fair an see what happends when i get out. im currently goin to be lookin for a job at the moment
    • Just be prepared with as much money as you can, because although 4 months rent to move in isn't too plesant, it's just a fact of renting in Andorra, so although you might not like it you won't be able to move in somewhere without it!

      The only other options are kipping on somebody's sofa, or finding something to rent privately, which is very difficult indeed!

      Good luck in your job hunt!