Local knowledge question

    • Local knowledge question

      As you come down the gondola, there are 8 identical buildings over to the left, between Princesa Parc and The Crest Hotel. Looks like a multi story carpark. We came up with loads of theories, but does anyone know what they actually are?

      p.s. - Just got home on Sunday - for the first time ever, we couldn't ski last Thursday because there was too much snow. Wednesday was interesting though. Knee deep in powder is challenging for us less experienced mortals - when it gets chest deep the going is really tough. Brilliant fun though
    • Lots of different stories kicking around, but as far as I know there was some foreign investor who was developing a huge hotel then ran out of money but still owns the property so it couldn't be touched for several years. Now it is going to be developed by somebody else but due to a change in the laws here it now has to be part residential. That's what I am lead to believe, but it anyone else has heard anything else then post away!