What passes do I need for my lessons?

    • What passes do I need for my lessons?

      Hi there!
      We'll be in Arinsal for the February half term week starting Saturday 16th Feb 2013.
      I'd like your advice about what lift passes I need to book if we're having lessons.
      My 17 year old will be having the 5 days of 3 hour group snowboarding lessons. She has had one previous week in France with ESF private tuition and could (just about) link turns in a falling leaf and has done a couple of green runs with an instructor.
      I will be having the 5 days group skiing lessons. I was a complete lacking in confidence beginner last year, had 3 private ESF lessons and went down a blue run (with my instructor!) and was able to link turns and get down the beginner slope by myself.
      Would we need full day ski passes from day one of group lessons? Or only beginner passes for 1 or 2 days, then full passes?
      Also, we do not need to hire equipment, so, will we still get a discount if we book lessons and passes together through you?
      Maggie 8)
    • Hi Maggie

      The beginners pass in Arinsal only covers the two magic carpets which are for the absolute beginners, and it doesn't cover the gondola up to the slopes, so from what you have said you would need the full area pass.

      Unfortunately the mountain operator doesn't allow anybody to sell discounted lift passes or lessons so they are the same price pre-booking, however if you pre-book we'll have them ready for your arrival and will come to meet you at your accommodation with your passes and lesson tickets.

      I hope this answers your question, but just ask if you have any others.

    • Ski pass for beginners?

      Hi Steve, we'll be in Arinsal for one week from 17th Feb, I want to book ski hire, passes and group lessons for my 10 year old daughter all through your website.
      My daughter is a complete beginner, she will have group lessons from Monday to Friday, will she need a full ski pass from day one of the lessons ?
      I think at some resorts the nursery slopes are free, so beginners initially need no pass ?

      Thanks, Dave.
    • Hi Dave

      The beginners pass doesn't cover the gondola though, so unless you have a car then the beginners pass is €15.50 (same for adults and children) plus around €7 for a gondola trip, plus a five day pass at €122.50 is total €145.

      Alternatively a full area six day pass for a child is €144, so cheaper and it covers all lifts including the gondola, plus book group lessons lift pass and ski hire together and you get an extra €10 off the total.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.
