got back from a great time

    • got back from a great time

      got back last week from a lovely 9 nights, stayed at the hotel palarine food as always amazing.Weather was great sunny to starn and had a nice dump off snow the tuseday( went halfterm week)
      Just a big thank you to the team transfer from/to Barcelona was great. Sarah was there within 5 min from contacting with passes and ski school vouchers
      Best bar Quo vardis (always nicking krusties snaps)
      Getting ready to book for next year :thumbsup:
    • just booked for next year, as were able to go the week after most peoples half term. we have booked with crystal.doing it on the cheap and staying at the paladlo apartments,no knead for locker hire, buying our own boots(got to have some comfort) not having week lessons just private(could we book and request an instructor with you? like floppy or Isabel)will be heading to arcalias and soldeu
      Can you put all this fresh snow in the fridge for us to use next year 8o
    • YAYYYYY you must be super excited counting the days down already??? Hehe. We can definitely help you book private lessons, just send us an email through the below link closer to the time and will organise all of it all for you.

      Personally I think you should look at booking a cheeky end of season trip, March is looking amazing. We’ve been receiving so so much snow, yesterday we received over 25cm and today we’ve clear blue sky and sunshine..... tempted??? :P :P :P