
    • Board Waxing

      Hi Autotech01

      Yeah, you can get your stick waxed. St Moritz have (well had, last year) a nifty machine that 'hot-waxed' your board. Not sure how much they charge for it, prob no more than 10 euros (tho don't quote me). Maybe Steve could find out what St Moritz charge and let you know via this forum.

      As I'm gonna be out there for a fortnight, I'm taking my iron, wax, scaper and brass-bristle brush. Waxing a board is pretty easy, there are plenty of videos on 'you-tube' and the like. The reason you use a brush after waxing is to give structure to the base (little grooves in the wax that allow the board to glide over the snow).

      Has your 24/7 board been waxed since you last used it ? If you used your board last season and it was waxed before you started using it...and you haven't cleaned/re-waxed it yet....chances are the wax on your board is dirty and not much use. It all depends on how much use your board has had since it was last waxed. Although, as I say, it would defo be a good idea to get it cleaned and re-waxed, it will make all the wax will make your board faster and easier to handle...especially if you have to skate it anywhere 8)

      Just one thing, get it waxed before your first day on the mountain....Why ? Because your board needs to be dry to be waxed properly. Don't take it out for a day then expect the poor guys at the shops to wax your cold wet board :rolleyes:

      Can you use a button lift/Poma correctly ? These are the types of tows you will use in the terrain parks.


      Drew (aka 7tenths)
    • Poma = Button Lift

      Hi autotech01

      A Poma is the name of a company that makes button lifts (actually they make all kinds of lifts from buttons right through to full on cable cars).

      Like I say, nearly always button lifts in the 'freestyle areas' so....give 'em a go ! 8)

    • Hey autotech01

      If you are going out on the 15th...(this next part does a lot of assuming, so bear with me).....assuming you are getting a week in resort with one of the numerous travel-agents in the UK. I imagine that you are due to arrive in resort mid/late afternoon. If this IS the case, then you will have time to head over to St Moritz (just down from the gondola in Arinsal...see the resort 'Map of Arinsal' under the 'Resort' tab). It will be a lot cheaper to get your board waxed in resort than in the UK (average UK price seems to be around the £20 mark). Although, after having just checked the web, 'Slush & rubble' were offering a FREE snowboard wax up until 5th November X(

      Lets hope Steve spots this thread and can ask St Moritz for you :thumbup:

      You are going to need a locker anyway & St Moritz would be my choice (they were really helpful to me last year and even fixed a binding for me...for FREE).
    • Lockers from St Moritz at the shops in Arinsal (not the top of the mountain) are 39 euros for 6 days. At the shop just below the gondola; the lockers there will comfortably hold 2 sets of gear....3 at a push ;)

    • 7tenths wrote:

      Yeah, you can get your stick waxed. St Moritz have (well had, last year) a nifty machine that 'hot-waxed' your board. Not sure how much they charge for it, prob no more than 10 euros (tho don't quote me). Maybe Steve could find out what St Moritz charge and let you know via this forum.

      I'll bob in this week and check for you